Information for media representatives.

    From contact details through our picture library to the tisoware logo – you can find everything you need to support your reporting requirements here.

    Feel free to contact us for more information or if you have any questions.

    Picture library.

    The files provided here for download may be used, copied or distributed free of charge. Their use is only permitted for the purpose of media coverage. They are not allowed to be edited or otherwise manipulated with the exception of reduction or enlargement as well as technical repurposing in the interests of optimal reproduction.


    Our Head Office in Reutlingen.

    Format: JPEG


    tisoware logo

    Format: PNG
    Farbe: Rot

    Your contact.


    We’ll be happy to answer your questions – feel free to contact us.


    Rainer K. Füess
    Tel +49 7121 9665-0